st andrew's cathedral, singapore artinya
- st: jl (jalan); santo
- singapore: singapura; portal:singapura; singapore
- st. andrew: st. andrew; saint andrew; andrew; parish saint andrew; andreas; santo andreas; rasul andreas
- st andrew's (stadium): stadion st andrew's
- st andrew's church, kyiv: gereja santo andreas, kiev
- st. andrew's church, mumbai: gereja santo andreas (mumbai)
- cathedral church of saint andrew (honolulu): gereja katedral santo andreas (honolulu)
- cathedral of st. john the divine: katedral st. john the divine, new york
- cathedral of st. sophia, novgorod: katedral santa sofia, novgorod
- st bavo's cathedral, ghent: katedral santo bavo, gent
- st martin's cathedral, bratislava: katedral santo martinus, bratislava
- st mary's cathedral, sydney: katedral st mary
- st patrick's cathedral, dublin: katedral santo patrick, dublin
- st paul's cathedral: katedral st paul; katedral santo paulus
- st peter's cathedral, hamilton: katedral st. peter, hamilton, new zealand